Rachel Budde
How long have you lived here? If not native, when did you arrive?
I’ve lived in Nevada City for five months now.
Can you describe what pulled you here, what stood out, what made it feel like it could be home?
Since moving to California almost four years ago, I feel so lucky to have lived in some of her most beautiful places. Nevada City feels like the perfect combination of small town history, wild landscape and solid community. I visited NC when I first moved to Oakland from Brooklyn. I came with a friend to swim the in the Yuba. I think the moment we drove into town, I thought to myself ‘this place feels real good’.
Bringing Fat and the Moon to Nevada City felt like arriving with a seed to plant. I want this seed to grow and be nourished by this land and community, as well as bear fruit and nourish.
What is it that you create or do creatively? Say anything you’d like to about it.
I am an artist and I am an herbalist. Those two things have much more in common in practice, but my identification with either mark different phases of my life. My work as an artist is my life, creating new compositions for various effects. I’m most inspired collaborating with plant medicines.
Is there anything specific to this place that inspires you creatively or professionally?
In addition to the absolute magic of this place, I’m feeling really inspired by the community of people in Nevada City. I have a sense that people stay true to their creative natures, they see the beauty and possibility around them.
It’s so great to be in a community of people who get what you do, and support you.
Is there an event in your life that steered it in a new direction or otherwise impacted you in a profound way?
When I lived in New York City and learned that the weeds growing all around me were in fact medicinal plants, I found new meaning in my life. I saw that being an artist was just one aspect of my life as a healer.
Anyone you have admired in your life or looked to for inspiration? If not a person, perhaps a practice or teaching…
I feel honored to have Kat Harrison as my teacher and friend. Her work as an ethnobotanist inspires me to be a more creative herbalist, a more curious artist, and a more reverent witch.
What do you like to surround yourself with?
I need to be around wild places, the ratio of human to plant, animal rock and sky closer to the ratio of our ancient ancestors. I need to be part of a diverse ecosystem.
What is a dream you hope to have fulfilled before you leave the planet?
I have big dreams. My hope is to manifest my gifts, and inspire others to do the same. It is through living our gifts that we become healing forces on this planet.